Visitors 138812
947480 photos, 51 videos

Hello and Welcome

Photos are organized by activity, circuit, year and show. 

Here is our recent activity

2024 USBands

2024 Tournament of Bands


Chris Maher – owner of, specializes in drum corps, marching band, and colorguard photography. His photos have appeared on the home page, news articles, and media galleries of Drum Corps International; the program book and advertising of Drum Corps Associates; TOB website, program book and Facebook page; and various levels of involvement with other circuits such as US Bands and MAPS. In real life, he is an actuary, software developer and small business owner.

All Photographs

Guestbook for Corpsreps Photography
Matt Sarett
Cast member of
-Alter Ego 2019/2020
-Emanon 2018
-Winter Star 2017
-West Orange HS 2016

-Reading Buccaneers 2022
-Raiders 2018
-Fusion 2017
-West Orange HS 2016